Thursday, February 12, 2009

For my first post, I would like to congratulate President Obama and his new administration for their recent success. Success in pulling off the biggest coup on this nation's democratic and capitalist character since perhaps the Great Depression. Of course, my sarcasm may be lost on
some, but here's what I mean to say: They have managed to do what many Liberals in the past have failed to do, and that is to fulfill what I call the "S'alinsky Mandate", that is to say, to bring about "change" in this nation's basic makeup. Its geopolitical terrain, its founding philosophies. And that list can, and will go on. Whether this is good or not, you can weigh in. But some of you will need to wait for the results... I hope it will not be too late for you!

Here's the crux of the matter: Obama studied this man's philosophies for years (Saul Alinsky), and now it appears that message has taken root and found its fulfillment in our newly elected President's agenda. There's an old Spanish proverb that goes like this: Dime con quién andas, y te diré quién eres. In English it means: "Show me who your friends are, and I will show you who you are."

Well, let's see, an unrepentant terrorist, a Marxist, a hateful "pastor", that list of friends goes on, too.

So, if you're interested in more of that, I invite you to go to this site: and read her message and think, really THINK, about what is really happening to our nation, our econmy, our society and our churches.

Now I would like to also thank many of the evangelicals for voting for Mr. Obama. For swallowing the message expounded in the emergent churches today that we need to turn away from doctrine, which they say divides, to social activities which they say will unite us with the world. For believing that the Lord won't come back until we change the world for Him, or having the audacity to even dare think that we could change the whole world, a task only the Lord can do, let alone believe the notion that He actually commanded us to do this!

Does not this idealogy assume that we are all good? Or that we all have some good in us? Or that we all have some divine spark of God in us? And wouldn't that then be pantheism. or panentheism?

Well, the current parade of evangelical pastors are telling us these things! So is it any wonder our kids believe this stuff about how good Obama is for the nation, AND the world? When these new teachers radically swarm into our churches, plant new pastors in place of the older, (and I contend, much wiser), changed the way we worship to ancient/future or some such nonsense and tell us that if we don't change, we should just move on, or die? Oh, don't tell me about planting new churches, I've helped plant a few. I'm not impressed there, either. No, these
were established churches that bought the line that they could increase their numbers, just by changing the message, the pastor, the music, the lighting, the activities, and of course, the doctrine. After all, we don't want to offend! We want to draw in the "seekers" even though the Scriptures say none seek Him! Well, that is not a church planting, that's a coup! Sound familiar?

I can point to mountains of Sripture that tell us to do directly the opposite. We do NOT need to change doctrine to attract this new generation. Their ideas were no different than mine was when I was their age, and no one changed the Gospel to fit MY generation, thank God!

As for modern music, that's not a problem, as long as you don't force the older folks to have to participate it in if they don't like it. The Bible teaches us that is NOT love. After all, if it weren't for their faithfulness, you and I might not even be saved today! Listen, all the peripherals are
non-important, as Jesus explained to the Samaritan woman, that we will worship in Spirit and truth, the location not-withstanding. (I didn't quote the verse just now, but here's the reference if you care to look it up-just keep all of it in context. John 4:23 ) If we speak the truth (the gospel) in love, we will do well. It's not that complicated.

What say you? Have I struck a nerve? Have I woken anybody up? I sure look forward to your posts.

God bless and have a great day!

Tim from Orlando

Choose your friends carefully. Your enemies will choose you.